Jim & Shirley Bedsole
Jim and Shirley Bedsole have been pastors for 40 years. They have pioneered local churches in the San Diego area and have ministered extensively on the mission field in Africa, Eastern Europe, and Europe.
It was at the beginning of the Bible School ministry in 1983 that Pastors Jim and Shirley visited the International Evangelism Centre in Sakila. During that time, they taught in the Bible school and preached in the churches. Upon returning home, they continued their passion for the ministry in Tanzania.
After serving many years on the Advisory Board, they are now serving on the IEO Board as President and Secretary. Shirley is also a gifted musician/songwriter and in 2008 created a CD, “Njoo Yesu” (Come Jesus), with lyrics in Swahili. All Bible school graduates receive Shirley’s CD as a gift. They are so excited to have a beautiful collection of praise and worship songs in their native language.
Jim and Shirley are native San Diegans. They have three children and 11 wonderful grandchildren.

Garven Kinley
Each December when Eliudi arrived from Tanzania, it was his custom to have dinner at Garven Kinley’s father’s home in Mariposa, California. In 1983 Garven and his wife, Judy, with their two boys, Lance and David, were visiting from Canada to have Christmas with Garven’s dad. It was then that they met Eliudi for the first time, and when Garven shook his hand, the Lord spoke to his heart and said, “Someday you will be involved in Eliudi’s ministry.” So it was! Garven’s family moved to Mariposa in 1985, and in 1987 they joined Eliudi’s ministry. They looked after the finances, newsletter, and correspondence each month. In 1998, Judy and Garven moved back to Canada only to return six years later, and once again they became involved with International Evangelism Outreach. Judy was the one who was truly doing the vast majority of the work, and she did a marvelous, detailed job!
In February 2017, Garven and his family got the shock of their lives when suddenly Judy died with a brain aneurysm. Needless to say, the ministry and Garven were unprepared for this. After six months or so, Garven started doing the banking and sharing in some of the bookkeeping and writing IEO newsletter. The plan is for Garven eventually to look after all of the finances. During this transition time, the IEO board has been giving oversight.
Jesus has been the center of Garven’s journey in this ministry, and he has witnessed much growth and success. Many of you have traveled alongside from the beginning with your prayers and contributions. Bless you and thank you, including those of you who have joined along the way.

Jan George
Jan George became part of the ministry in Tanzania in 1987 when God sent Bishop Eliudi’s oldest son, Godwin, from Tanzania to Oregon where Jan and her husband, Roger, raised and helped educate him in the United States. In 1990, they made a trip to Tanzania with Godwin for two months. During that time, the Lord showed Jan many things, including the need for good medical help. As a nurse, she helped many precious people in the village of Sakila with their health needs. When Eliudi realized how badly the village people were hurting medically, he asked Jan to help him establish and register their first clinic with the government.
Since then, Jan has been privileged to be a part of the IEO ministry. She has worked in many different areas and worn many different hats. Today she is a member of both the IEO and NHIH (New Hope International Hospital) U.S. boards, by which many major decisions are made to aid in the work in Tanzania. She is now heading up ChristHope Orphanage on the U.S. side by finding and communicating with sponsors and taking care of CHO financials, correspondence, and newsletters. God gave Jan a vision many years ago for African missions, and she praises God that He continues to fulfill that vision!

Crystal Garvin
Crystal Garvin is originally from Montana and has lived in North Carolina with her husband, David, and their three sons since 2006. She and her parents first met Bishop Eliudi in 1990 and were the host family for Eliudi’s daughter, Rogathe, while she attended high school in Helena, MT. Crystal returned home with Rogathe and visited Tanzania for a month in 1994. David and Crystal later visited Sakila for 5 weeks in 2002. They began sponsoring one of the first orphans at ChristHope Orphanage when it opened and have taken on sponsorship of more orphans since CHO expanded. They and their three boys have been committed to supporting and praying for IEO and CHO for several years.
Crystal joined the board in 2017. In July of 2018, she traveled to Tanzania with her family, and she returned in October with the rest of the IEO board members. She oversees the website and social media aspects of the ministry and has assisted with media management and fundraising.
Crystal also runs a home-based business with dōTERRA Essential Oils and enjoys teaching others how to take care of their health naturally. In 2018, she obtained a matching grant from the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation to add a cooking school and dining hall at Crower Trade School, and in 2019 Healing Hands approved another matching grant, this time to build a wall and playground at CHO.