IEC Bible Schools
The vision for a Bible school in South Africa (Bible Zone Evangelism Center) was birthed in 1996. With 20 students, the work started, and we had our first graduation in June of 2006.

Christ Hope Orphanage
In 2007 Christ Hope Orphanage was built and furnished through a large gift from a couple that had a great heart for these children.

Crower Trade School
The Crower Trade School began as an outreach to young people who needed a means of financial support but were financially unable to continue with their education.

Water Well Drilling
The need for clean, easily accessible water in Africa continues to be urgent. Because of the heart of a Wyoming well driller and some helpers from that state, a drilling rig was sent to Sakila.

New Life Radio Network
This ministry started in 2015 and is located in the town of Boma, about 20 miles from Sakila. The radio station operates from 5:00AM to midnight and broadcasts sermons, music, prayer and free announcements.

Sakila Sponsorship Program
Sluys/Anderson Primary School is one of few schools to have electricity, water, completed classrooms, textbooks, a feeding program, uniforms, medical care, and school supplies provided for each student.

New Hope International Hospital & Sakila Dispensary
From small beginnings of a clinic on the campus of IEC in 1990, the vision of a full medical facility moved from concept to construction in 2004 with the ground breaking for New Hope International Hospital, a 250-bed facility.