We are surrounded by people with needs. We are thankful to the Lord for people like you who care and respond to the needs, whether it is through prayer, finances to support the ministry, or your sacrifices of time and money to come visit us in Tanzania.
The International Evangelism Centre in Sakila, Tanzania is a unique work of God's grace in the heart of East Africa.
Due to the COVID pandemic, Bishop Eliudi will not be visiting the United States this year as he usually does.
We received word from Bishop Eliudi that due to a lack of rain in his part of Tanzania, the corn crop has failed.
In January of each year, school starts, advancements take place, and new uniforms, backpacks, and shoes are purchased for our ChristHope Orphanage children.
During Bishop Eliudi's last trip to the U.S., the Lord directed him to begin the process of finding 30 new orphans for ChristHope Orphanage.
In our Bible school in Sakila, the bell rings at 3:00am for the students in the compound to wake up and begin their morning prayers.
Recently a “Medical Eye Team” from Montana returned from Tanzania. While there, they saw IEC staff, bible school students, both primary and secondary school students, as well as villagers from many different areas.
As we look, we see time flying by and 2017 is coming to an end. We ask ourselves, where did the time go and did we do enough for the Lord?